Hi Friends!

Sandra Long

If you are like me, you are taking stock of yourself, your business, and opportunities for 2021. My top-line professional goals fall into different buckets, such as:

  • • Sales
  • • Relationships
  • • Learning
  • • Technology
  • • Creation
  • • Visibility

By the way, I do the same thinking and sorting with personal goals such as family, faith, health, financial, home, learning, and fun.

I enjoy this time of year because I help clients think through how LinkedIn can help them with their business and career goals. The fact is that LinkedIn can help us to advance ALL of those professional goals listed above.

Here’s the thing. The AHA point…….. Goals alone are NOT enough. Tying your daily actions into your plans is HOW you will become successful. We all need to translate our goals into relevant actions and then follow through every day. For example, I can say that my goal is to lose weight, but if I don’t change any behavior, then the goal is useless.

Actions and habits are essential.

Before creating action steps for LinkedIn, I want to be more specific in my goals. So instead of saying, “I want to sell more,” let’s add some FOCUS. 🔎 Here are some suggestions for goals:

  • • Increase visibility = Attract more opportunities
  • • Get more referrals and recommendations
  • • Have more business conversations
  • • Enhance and leverage relationships
  • • Find new prospects and opportunities
  • • Increase my organization’s visibility

We can tie concrete actions and metrics to these LinkedIn goals. Now is a great time to consider what YOUR LinkedIn goals for 2021 are? We can even make them SMART – specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

For my LinkedIn Club members, I look forward to diving into this with you on our January 12 Zoom call!

For everyone, I would love to know your thoughts about your goals for this year – just comment HERE on this post.

I always have fun doing this exercise every January. Not just for my clients, but also myself.

I encourage you to craft your specific action steps for 2021 now, so you can take advantage of every LinkedIn opportunity in 2021. If you need help, just email me about the LinkedIn Club or our other programs. Otherwise, I wish you the best with YOUR goals for this year!

Happy 2021 to all,


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