06880 Blog Features Sandra Long - March 20, 2017

Dan Woog

Sandra Long was featured in the "hyper local" and "hyper successful" blog called 06880 about Westport Connecticut, written by Dan Woog. 

Dan tells a rare story about himself and how he transformed from a LinkedIn non-believer to a person now finding opportunities.  He is converted!  

Sandra reworked Dan's LinkedIn profile, with the assistance of another Post Road Consulting team member Craig Patton. Here's Dan's blog post:


Sandra Long is Totally LinkedIn

Sandra Long did not like my LinkedIn profile.

At first, I didn’t care.

In my social media life, the networking website ranked far below Instagram and Facebook (not to mention “06880”). It hovered just above Google Plus — but not by much.

Yet when Sandra — a longtime Westporter who offers LinkedIn training for businesses and individuals, as well as profile makeovers for executives, consultants, attorneys and other professionals — offered to spruce mine up, I said, “why not?”

Yet I was about as enthusiastic as when I had a root canal. But then I met Sandra. And once she went to work — drilling down through my profile, into my life, work, passions and dreams — I was all in. All LinkedIn, I should say. I had been agnostic about LinkedIn’s potential. But Sandra is a true believer. “You’re missing lots of opportunities,” she said.

I considered myself a freelance writer. I didn’t see how LinkedIn could help. Yet Sandra had already stalked me — I mean, done her homework — and thought that tying together everything I do would help my overall “brand.”

“You write. You coach soccer. You’re an expert on Westport. You’re an LGBT activist and mentor,” she noted. A stronger LinkedIn presence — including keywords, which I sorely lacked — could help people find me, leading to paths I never expected.

And, she pointed out, my entire internet presence was a mess........click here for full article and to learn about Dan's transformation